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Medical Care and Pharmacy Benefits

Students on campus who are enrolled in the plan should use PUSH as their initial contact for medical services unless it is a life-threatening emergency. When students are seen by a PUSH provider, their deductible is waived. 

Students will be charged a $15 co-pay for PUSH ancillary services such as physical therapy and X-ray. Students must pay a $200 deductible for in-network preferred providers and a $400 deductible for out-of-network providers for all services outside of PUSH. 

Preventive care services are only covered if performed by a United Healthcare in-network provider. LabCorp, located in PUSH, is in the United Healthcare network and all preferred network coverage applies.

The Purdue University Pharmacy (PUP) is the preferred pharmacy of the student insurance plan. Insured students and their insured dependents can have prescriptions filled at the pharmacy located in the Robert E. Heine Pharmacy Building, Room 118. Students must pay a $10 co-pay for Tier 1 drugs, a $20 co-pay for Tier 2 and Tier 3 drugs and a $50 co-pay for Tier 4 drugs.

Please note that prescriptions can only be filled at a United Healthcare network pharmacy. Co-pay rates for students who fill prescriptions outside PUP will pay a higher co-pay. 

Most US providers will file claims to United Healthcare for services received. Students must submit all claims to insurance within 90 days of the date of service. 

To find in-network care in the United States, please visit United Healthcare Choice Plus Network's Find a Provider page.


Students on campus who are enrolled in the plan should use PUSH as their initial contact for medical services unless it is a life-threatening emergency. When students are seen by a PUSH provider, their deductible is waived. 

Students will be charged a $15 co-pay for PUSH ancillary services such as physical therapy and x-ray. Students must pay a $200 deductible for in-network preferred providers and a $400 deductible for out-of-network providers for all services outside of PUSH. 

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Last modified: December 12, 2024