Two students sitting outside and talking.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if, as an international student, I don’t purchase the University health insurance plan?

Purchasing the mandatory health insurance is a condition of enrollment for international students at Purdue University. This requirement is in effect for the duration of your studies at Purdue. Failure to purchase insurance will result in a hold on your academic record, advisor notification of non-compliance and a late fee.

I am planning on traveling in the US prior to the start of classes. May I purchase Purdue’s insurance to cover me?
Purdue’s policy starts August 1. If you need coverage prior to that date, you will have to purchase a travel policy from an outside source.
How can I pay for my insurance?

Acceptable payments:

  • Credit Card - 3% service fee added.
  • Bank Draft - no fee.
  • Web Pay - 3% service fee added.
How can I get help logging into my online account with United Healthcare/AHP where I can retrieve a copy of my insurance card?
Insurance cards are available for download at
I will be registered for Exam or Degree only. Am I eligible to purchase the student insurance plan?
Those registered as exam or degree-only are eligible to purchase the plan.
Can I use PUSH before my insurance starts on August 1st?
International students who are registered may be seen, but will incur charges for all services including office visit fees. If your travel insurance policy has a United States mailing address, PUSH will be happy to submit charges on your behalf. Otherwise, payment may be made at the time of service or will be billed to your student bursar account.

United Healthcare Benefit Change FAQs

Where can we find a full summary of benefits?

All benefit summaries can be found on the AHP portal

Detailed plan documents are currently under development by UHCSR. Once they are complete, they will be available at the above links.

My provider/specialist is out of network with UHCSR – will I be covered? What can I do?
For the first 12 months of coverage, UHCSR will pay out of network claims the same as in-network. During this transitionary period, the out-of-network provider has 12 months to enter into an in-network agreement with UHCSR. After August 1, 2022, providers can reach out to UHCSR to begin the in-network agreement process.
How will the 12-month transitionary period work?
If the out-of-network provider is identified before the claim processes, UHCSR will flag that provider to process as in-network and process the claim accordingly.

If a claim processes out-of-network, then it will be reprocessed as in-network through the appeal process.

Additional information on how the above requests can be made will be shared in the coming weeks.
How can providers speed up the process of being brought in-network? 
See process above. After August 1, 2022, providers can reach out to UHCSR to begin the in-network agreement process. Providers have 12 months to transition to in-network.
Are deductibles at the Purdue Pharmacy increasing?
No. There are no plan design changes, meaning the deductible, out of pocket maximums and co-insurance levels remain the same with the new plan year.
Will gender-affirming care be covered?
Yes. There was no change to the services covered.
Where can we find a breakdown of which drugs are in each tier?
This is still pending with UHCSR. Once the breakdown has been finalized, we will share the information.
My mental health provider is not in-network with UHCSR; where do I go?
You can access a complete list of mental health providers (292 unique providers serving at various locations) that are in-network with UHCSR within Tippecanoe County. You can click here to complete a provider search for other locations or other services. The network for the medical plan is UHC Choice Plus.

More information on graduate staff enrollment is available on the Graduate Staff Enrollment website.

For questions about the change or UHCSR, please contact

Last modified: December 12, 2024