Enrollment Certifications
Academic Status
Current students can use Student Self-Service in myPurdue for the following enrollment certification services:
- Print the official enrollment verification certificates for health insurers, lenders, insurance companies and other organizations
- Find out when deferment notices were sent to their student lenders
- View their enrollment history
- View the proofs of enrollment sent on their behalf to student service providers
- Obtain a list of their student loan holders
To access enrollment certification services in Student Self-Service, current students should:
- Log onto myPurdue using their User Name and Password
- Find the Academic Profile card
- Select Enrollment Certification - Myhub Dashboard
Graduate and Professional Students
Purdue will report you as:
Fall and Spring
- Full Time if you are enrolled in 8 or more credit hours
- Three Quarter Time if you are enrolled in 6- 7 credit hours
- Half Time if you are enrolled in 4 -5 credit hours
- Less than Half time if you are enrolled in 1- 3 credit hours
- Full Time if you are enrolled in 3 credits
- Full Time if you are enrolled in 6 or more credit hours
- Three Quarter Time if you are enrolled in 4 1/2 - 5 credit hours
- Half Timeif you are enrolled in 3 - 4 credit hours
- Less than Half time if you are enrolled in 1- 2 credit hours
Undergraduate students
Purdue will report you as:
All terms
- Full Time if you are enrolled in 12 or more credit hours
- Three Quarter Time if you are enrolled in 9- 11 credit hours
- Half Time if you are enrolled in 6 - 8 credit hours
- Less than Half time if you are enrolled in 1- 5 credit hours
SPECIAL NOTE: Current students needing information not included in the above form may e-mail certifications@purdue.edu from their Purdue e-mail with their special request. They must include their PUID and clearly state the information needed on the request.
Mail requests should be sent to Purdue University, Office of the Registrar, 128 Memorial Mall, Suite 176, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2040. Requests must include the requestor's PUID or student ID number and signature.
For further information, call (765) 494-6165 or send an inquiry via e-mail to certifications@purdue.edu.
Apostille (International Certifications)
Apostille is a French word which means a certification. It is commonly used as the legalization of a document for international use under the terms of the 1961 Hague Convention.
The University Registrar currently makes the following general documents available for the apostille process: transcripts, enrollment/degree certification and replacement diplomas. If you require additional services, such as a replacement/duplicate diploma, please note details for your apostille when ordering your transcript. Prior to sending back to the address provided, our office will send certification documents to the Department of State in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Requestors should provide the following:
- Transcript
- Country certification is being processed
- Address to send the completed documents
- A scanned copy of their diploma (a replacement/duplicate would need to be ordered if original is not available)
Please note: Purdue University staff cannot advise requestors on the international apostille process. It is the requestors' responsibility to follow the procedures outlined by the Department of State Office of Authentications.
Given the additional complexity of notarization, please allow 4 to 6 weeks for the completed certification.
Other Requests for Certifications/Verifications
Current students and graduates may request enrollment certifications, degree verifications, certificates of graduation/degree, and course descriptions by visiting the Office of the Registrar, Stewart Center, 128 Memorial Mall, Suite 176, or by mail, fax, or online form.
In-person requests may be brought or made at the Office of the Registrar, Stewart Center, 128 Memorial Mall, Suite 176. Requestors should bring picture IDs with them.
Mail requests should be sent to Purdue University, Office of the Registrar, Stewart Center, 128 Memorial Mall, Suite 176, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2040. Requests must include the requestor's PUID or student ID number and signature.
Fax requests should be sent to (765) 494-0570. Requests must include the requestor's PUID or student ID number and signature.
For further information, call (765) 494-6165 or send an inquiry via e-mail to certifications@purdue.edu.