Operating Procedures for Residence Classification of Students
These procedures supplement the policy on Residence Classification of Students for Tuition Purposes (II.D.1). Refer to the policy for contact information and applicable definitions.
Responsible Office: Office of the Registrar, West Lafayette campus.
Effective Date: August 1, 2017
I. Determination of Residence Classification
A. When determining a student's residence classification, the university official will consider each student's individual situation. Contributing conditions may include, but are not limited to the following (none of which, in and of themselves, guarantee that the student will be classified as a resident):
- Existence of non-academic reasons for coming to Indiana and abandoning the previous permanent residence
- Issuance of an Indiana driver’s license and registration of automobiles in Indiana
- Reliance on Indiana sources of income and paying Indiana income tax
- Acceptance of an offer of permanent employment in Indiana
- Obtainment of a professional license to practice in Indiana
- A significant change in family circumstances, such as a job transfer, death, loss of job, or health reasons that affect the student or an immediate family member with whom the student shares permanent residency, that requires relocation to Indiana
- Immigration status
B. The university official may request documentation to substantiate residency claims. By submitting a reclassification application, the student agrees to submit all requested documentation in a timely manner. Examples of documentation include, but are not limited to:
- Immigration paperwork (if applicable)
- Driver's license/State issued ID
- Vehicle registration (if applicable)
- Most recent signed state and federal income tax returns
- Most recent W-2
- Employment records including a statement from current employer outlining work dates (hire date, ending date) and modality
- Most recent paystub
- Professional licensing documentation (if applicable)
- Dated rental agreement, purchase agreement, or 1098 tax form
- Divorce decree (if applicable)
- Statement from a health care provider (if applicable)
- Proof of abandonment of previous permanent residence. Either bill of sale or termination of lease agreement.
- Personal statement that provides the following: 1) Indication of your purpose for relocation to Indiana. 2) Any unusual or special circumstances regarding your relocation. 3) Any relevant information not covered in the above categories.
If a student is applying as a dependent, documentation for both parents must be submitted.
Failure to upload initial documentation will result in the denial of the residency reclassification request.
II. Changes from Non-Resident to Resident
- The university will presume that the initial non-resident classification determined by the appropriate university official is accurate until sufficient evidence is presented to warrant reclassification as a resident. It is the responsibility of the Registrar’s Office to review and make a decision on applications for a change from non-resident to resident.
- Students can get information about reclassification from their campus Registrar’s Office. The application must be submitted any time after the permanent residence requirement has been met (including one year of consecutive residence), but no later than 15 business days after the first day of classes of the academic semester or session for which reclassification is sought.
Note for Purdue West Lafayette, Indianapolis, and Polytechnic Statewide students: The application portal for Spring 2025 is closed. The Summer 2025 application will open on or before May 19, 2025. More information about the Residence Form and Filing Deadlines for each campus is available here.
III. Changes from Resident to Non-Resident
A. A student who is classified as a resident by the university must notify the Office of the Registrar of any change in factors that might prevent him or her from continuing to meet the definition of resident. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- A change in the student's (if independent) or the parent's or legal guardian's (if a dependent) permanent residence.
- A change by the Office of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in the student’s resident or immigration status.
B. The Office of Admissions will initiate a reclassification inquiry upon receipt of any changes in facts that would justify such an inquiry.
C. Reclassification of a student's residency will be effective beginning with the first academic semester or session following the event or fulfillment of circumstances that prompted the change in status.
IV. Appealing Residency Reclassification Decision
A. A student who has already completed a residency reclassification application through the Residency Reclassification Portal and is not satisfied with the determination concerning his or her application may appeal the decision to the Residence Appeal Committee at the campus where he or she is enrolled. The appeal must be filed within 30 days after the original decision was rendered. Failure to file an appeal within this specified time limit will constitute a waiver of all claims for reconsideration for that academic semester or session.
B. The appeal must be submitted through the appropriate channel.
- For Purdue West Lafayette, Indianapolis and Polytechnic Statewide students: Contact the Residency Office at residency@purdue.edu for further information on filing an appeal.
- For Purdue Fort Wayne students: contact your Registrar’s Office at registrar@pfw.edu.
- For Purdue Northwest students: contact your Registrar’s Office at registrar@pnw.edu.
C. Consistent with the general intent and purpose of this policy, the Residence Appeal Committee may uphold or reverse the decision of the classifying official. The committee is authorized to classify a student as a resident, though not meeting the specific requirements herein set forth within the general scope of this policy. Persons otherwise responsible for determining the residence classification of students may assist the committee as consultants. The decision of the committee in all cases is final.
V. History and Updates
[August 1, 2017]: These procedures were separated from their related policy. Contributing conditions and examples of documentation for determining residency were expanded. The process for changing a classification from resident to non-resident was clarified.