Grade Change Workflow (GCWF)

Grade Change Workflow has replaced the paper Form 350.  As of November 2020, instructors have been able to use the Grade Change Workflow application to process grade correction requests.


Grade Change Approver (GCA) –– Grade Change Workflow Department Head

Accessing GCWF

GCWF can be accessed via the myPurdue Portal from the faculty card. 

You may see two tabs – Request and Approve - in the application.  The user’s role will determine which tabs appear.

  • Request tab – allows the user to submit a change request
  • Approve tab – allows the user to approve/deny change requests
Request and Approve Tabs

Request Tab

Submitting a Request

Once in the application, select the term.  This will then populate the course filter with the list of courses for which the user is assigned as instructor of record.

Instructor Course List

Once a course is selected, then the student filter will populate with the registered students, and their PUIDs, for the course.

Student Filter Populates

NOTE:  The student filter is searchable.

Searching Student Files

Select the student and the “Actions” section will appear. This section will provide the actions available to select as well as a student information section.

Actions Section

NOTE:  Requests can only be submitted once per student/course.  If there is already a pending request for the student for the course selected, the actions section will denote the pending action.

Pending Actions

To request a grade change, click on the “Grade Correction” button under “Actions”.  The “Grade Correction” section will appear to enter the new grade and reason. 

NOTE:  Different options will appear in the “New Grade” selection pick list depending on the grade mode.

For example, if the student’s grade is a W, then the New Grade selection will be W, WF, WIP.  If the student’s grade is a P, then the New Grade selection will be P, N.

Select New Grade

New Grade P

Hit “Submit” when ready to submit the request.

Submit the Request

A submission confirmation window will appear asking the user if they are sure about the request.  Select “Cancel” or “Confirm”.

Submission Confirmation

Once confirmed a message will appear indicating the request was submitted.

Request Submitted

An email is sent to the grade change approver(s) notifying them there is a request needing action.  See email notification section for sample emails.

NOTE:  If a request is not allowed through the application, a “Request Not Allowed” window will appear stating this process must use the manual form.  In the example below, the request was changing a student’s grade from F to A+.

Request Not Allowed

Clicking on the “clicking here” link in the window will take the user to the Form 350 paper form.  Click OK to exit the window.


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