Initial Course Participation Instructions
As of Spring 2011, Purdue University will report Initial Course Participation (ICP), a Financial Aid requirement mandated by the Department of Education, for PWL and TSW campuses.
- ICP records student presence in the classroom or an academic related participation such as Brightspace.
- ICP will be reported for students who have attended a class at any time during the first through third week of the term for 16-week courses and during the first week of class for first eight and second eight week courses.
- For courses that do not align with a traditional full term or eight-week session, instructors should report no later than the fourth class meeting.
- ICP will be reported for sections that will be on the transcript only. If faculty will be assigning a grade (A-F , S, U, N, P) at the end of the class, then they should report ICP.
- ICP will be open for faculty to report beginning the first day of the term.
- From myPurdue Faculty Tab, look in the Tools channel and select Initial Course Participation.
- Select term to enter reporting.
- Select course to report Initial Course participation, then Submit. Only gradable courses are required to be reported on.
- The number of students with ICP reported is displayed here.
Once you have selected a CRN, the page header will clearly indicate the number of 'participating', 'not participating,' and no action taken.
Scroll down to the roster to submit your reporting.
- The text in this column indicates the current reporting status.
- Click on the box for any student you wish to report as participating.
- Or click the "Mark All Yes" button.
- Read the acknowledgement and Submit.
- Submit after each page.
- To report on additional courses/CRNs, scroll to the bottom of the page and select CRN selection.
- You may verify the status of your reporting on your My Courses channel.
- Click on the box for any student you wish to report as participating.
- If you are having difficulty with your submission, you may contact
- Policy-related questions may be directed to