Smart Plan FAQs


General Questions

Q. What is Smart Plan? 

A. Smart Plan, previously called EduNav, is a degree planning platform that provides a guided, personalized, and optimal pathway to degree completion for students – think Google or Apple Maps for degree planningStudents and academic advisors will be able to visualize the full pathway from matriculation to graduation in a detailed and term-by-term viewThinking about a course or program changeYou can see and understand exactly how that change will impact time to degree!

Q. Is Smart Plan replacing myPurduePlan?

A. No.  Academic Advisors and students will use myPurduePlan and Smart Plan together for a full degree auditing and planning experience. myPurduePlan will continue to serve as the official degree audit platform, while Smart Plan provides dynamic course planning.   

Q. Who can use Smart Plan?

A. Smart Plan is currently available to to select majors with a planned rollout for all undergraduate majors in the coming months.  Both students and academic advisors will have access to the tool.  Students will be able to access the platform by clicking on the "Smart Plan Degree Planning" link located on the Degree Planning & Audit card in myPurdue. 

Q. Where can I find a list of programs currently working in Smart Plan?

A.  Click here to see the current list. 

Q. Why should students use Smart Plan?

A. Smart Plan clearly shows students how to map out their remaining course requirements to efficiently earn a degree in four years or less.  To do this, the system takes into account pre-requisite courses and advising recommendations to generate a degree path starting point for each student.  When students plan and select courses for future terms using Smart Plan, it helps the university know how many sections of a course should be offered in a particular term. 

Q. Why does Smart Plan sometimes recommend taking several challenging courses within a single term?

A.  Smart Plan attempts to generate the most timely path to degree based on and advising roadmap provided by the unit.  It also takes into account key pre- and co-requisites, and when courses are typically offered.  Smart Plan does not attempt to evaluate the mix of courses planned in a term as many factors can contribute to the appropriateness of the schedule for an individual student.  The planned degree path should be reviewed and adjusted by the student and advisor in order to maximize the student's ability to succeed. 

Q. Does Smart Plan capture a failed course?

A. Yes.  If a student fails a course required for their degree, the course will repopulate in a future appropriate term within Smart Plan. 

Q. How does the What-if Plan in Smart Plan compare to a What-if Report in myPurduePlan?

A. Similar to myPurduePlan, the Smart Plan What-if Plan provides information based on their intended major.  The Smart Plan What-if Plan provides a suggested path to complete the intended major in a semester by semester view, while the myPurduePlan What-if Report is a more comprehensive look at all degree requirements.  


For Students

Q.  Where can I find how-to guides and resources?

A.  Click here to access student how-to guides and resources.


For Advisors

Coming Soon


For Departments

Coming Soon

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