The LGBTQ Center offers a variety of events and resources for our LGBTQIA+ community. For additional information, please visit the LGBTQ Center website.
Gender Affirming Voice and Communication Training Program
The Gender Affirming Voice and Communication Training Program within the Purdue Center for Voice serves gender diverse and trans individuals seeking to adapt their voice and communication in a way that is safe and authentic, resulting in communication patterns that are congruent with their gender identity. Clients are guided to establish healthy and achievable goals and they are in the driver’s seat when it comes to determining progress. Skilled training is provided in a structured approach in order to transfer new communication skills to everyday situations. This clinic provides affirmative therapy, a non-pathologizing approach to clinical practice that accepts and validates all experiences of gender. The lead speech-language pathologist is registered on OutCare as a LGBTQ+ competent healthcare provider.