Frequently Asked Questions

Why does Purdue have a residence policy?

As a public institution, Purdue University is financially supported by the State of Indiana. Resident students pay less tuition and fees than nonresident students. Residency status is determined when students are admitted to the University by either the Office of Admissions (for undergraduates and non-degree), Graduate School (for graduate studies), College of Pharmacy (for Doctor of Pharmacy), or College of Veterinary Medicine (for Doctor of Veterinary Medicine). Decisions made in these offices are based on information provided by students during the admission application process, in accordance with rules adopted by the Board of Trustees. 

I live in a neighboring state, does Purdue have a reciprocity agreement?

Purdue West Lafayette (PWL) does not have any reciprocity agreements with surrounding states. Some of the Polytechnic Statewide campuses as well as Purdue Fort Wayne (PFW) do offer reciprocity agreements.

If you attend one of these campuses, please contact your Registrar’s office for more information on residency classification.

What about residency for military families?

There are several ways that Purdue University provides Resident classification for military personnel and their families. Qualified service members (or their dependents) who are admitted to Purdue University and meet the requirements for the applicable categories may be eligible for Resident status for tuition and fees purposes. The criteria for each of these categories, as well as the application, can be found  here. Questions regarding eligibility for military personnel should be directed to the Veteran and Military Success Center (VMSC). They can be reached by phone at (765) 494-7638 or by email at

I am an international student who just obtained permanent residency. Do I need to file a Residency
Reclassifcation application?

If you are seeking to change your status from foreign to permanent resident you need to file a change of Citizenship status form and should not file a Residence Classification of Students for Tuition Purposes application.

If you wish to be considered for reclassification for both your citizenship status and your resident status, then you should file a Residence Classification of Students for Tuition Purposes application in addition to the change of Citizenship status form.

What if I am an Indiana resident who went out-of-state for school?

We do not consider any time spent out-of-state as a student against you as long as you return to Indiana within one year following your last enrollment or graduation, and provided you continued to maintain your domicile in Indiana while away from the state.

If I am enrolled as a non-resident student, will I always be considered a non-resident?

No. A student may submit a Residence Classification of Students for Tuition Purposes application at the beginning of the first semester after the Domicile and Predominant Purpose requirements have been met, but no later than 15 business days after the first day of classes of the academic semester/session for which reclassification is sought. 

Can I apply for reclassification for a future semester?

No, applications are only reviewed for the current semester/session. Additionally, a student must maintain enrollment in the semester/session they are seeking residency reclassification to qualify.

For the summer term, a student must be enrolled (and maintain enrollment) in at least one course to qualify for residency reclassification.

Is it possible to be a legal resident of Indiana and still be a non-resident student at Purdue?

Yes. The state of Indiana determines the requirements for becoming a legal resident of the state for specific purposes such as obtaining a driver's license, identification card, voter registration, etc. However, the state legislature has delegated to Indiana's institutions of higher education the responsibility of determining when a person becomes eligible for resident student status for tuition and fee purposes.

Purdue’s definition of the term Resident is different from the definitions developed by other non-university agencies. Purdue University does not recognize declarations of Resident status made by other agencies.

Thus, a person who is an Indiana resident for tax or voting purposes, for example, may not qualify as a resident for Purdue University tuition and fee purposes. Persons who reside in Indiana for the predominant purpose of education are considered non-residents for tuition and fee-paying purposes at the university.

Does paying income or property taxes to the State of Indiana make a student eligible to be classified
as a Resident for tuition and fees?

No. Persons who are in Indiana for the predominant purpose of education do not become eligible for Resident status for tuition and fees on the basis of paying taxes to the state.

HoHow can I be classified as a resident for tuition purposes?

The two ways to qualify for classification as a resident for tuition purposes are:

  1. As a dependent student: Your parent(s) or legal guardian(s) remain(s) partially or wholly financially responsible for you and/or you are being claimed as a dependent on someone else’s personal income taxes and your parent(s) satisfies the domicile requirement in Indiana prior to the first day of the academic semester/session for which resident classification is sought. The move to Indiana must be predominantly for reasons other than to enable you to gain resident status for tuition and fee purposes. If your parent(s) or legal guardian(s) is married both parent(s)/spouse must reside in Indiana
  2. As an independent student: You are responsible for your own financial needs and have not been dependent upon your parent or legal guardian for financial support for at least 12 consecutive months and cannot be claimed as a dependent on anyone else’s personal income taxes and have been domiciled in Indiana for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the first day of classes of the academic session for which resident reclassification is sought. Your domicile must be established for a predominant purpose other than attending an institution of higher education.
How long does it take for my application to be processed?

Applications are read in the order they are received. An application is not considered ready until all initial documentation has been submitted. It is the goal of the Residency Office to have a response within the semester a student applies; however, a variety of factors can affect this timeline. Students will be communicated with via their Purdue email.

How long must I live in Indiana to establish Residency for tuition and fees purposes?

The student must permanently reside in Indiana for 12 consecutive months for a primary purpose other than attending an institution of higher education. The 12 months must be met prior to the first day of classes of the academic semester/session for which residence reclassification is sought. Either the date of move or the date the previous domicile is abandoned (sale of home/termination of lease), whichever is later, will be used to calculate the beginning of the 12-month period.

Exceptions to the 12-month establishment of domicile may exist for dependent students.

When does the timeline for the 12-month requirement begin?

Either the date when your previous Domicile is abandoned or the date the Indiana domicile was acquired, whichever is later. This would be either the date listed on the bill of sale or the termination of a lease.

 Additionally, for dependent students whose parents are legally married the 12-month period begins when both parents reside in Indiana. For married, independent students, the 12-month period begins when both the student and the spouse reside in Indiana.

Will my resident status change automatically after meeting all the requirements for Resident status?

No. It is necessary to file a  Residence Classification Information for Tuition Purposes application and provide the required supporting documents to the Office of the Registrar.

How do I request a review of my non-resident student status? 

Students who want to request a review of their non-resident status should submit the appropriate  Residence Classification of Students for Tuition Purposes application for their campus and all required supporting documentation to the Office of the Registrar for their campus no later than 15 business days after the first day of classes. Students must be enrolled (and maintain enrollment) in the semester/session in which they are seeking reclassification.

 All applications are reviewed in the order that they are received. Please keep in mind that if the file is not complete, including if any requested additional documentation is still needed, a decision will not be rendered at that time. The student will be notified by email of the final decision or with a request for any additional information that may be needed.

Purdue West Lafayette and Polytechnic Statewide Students
All Residence Reclassification applications for Purdue West Lafayette and Polytechnic Statewide Students must be submitted through the Slate portal using your Boiler Key login information.

Purdue University Fort Wayne and Purdue University Northwest students
Please visit your campus websites for more information and a link to your specific Residence Form.

What documents are needed when pursuing residency reclassification?

Examples of documentation that may be required during the residence reclassification process include but are not limited to:

  1. Immigration paperwork (if applicable)
  2. Driver's license/State issued ID
  3. Vehicle registration (if applicable)
  4. Voter registration (if applicable)
  5. Most recent signed state and federal income tax returns
  6. Most recent W-2
  7. Employment records including a statement from current employer outlining work dates (hire date, ending date) and modality
  8. Most recent paystub
  9. Professional licensing documentation (if applicable)
  10. Dated rental agreement, purchase agreement or 1098 tax form
  11. A utility bill from the last month
  12. Divorce decree (if applicable)
  13. Statement from a health care provider (if applicable)
  14. Proof of abandonment of previous domicile. Either bill of sale or termination of lease agreement.
  15. Personal statement that provides the following: 1. Indication of your purpose for relocation to Indiana 2. Any Unusual or special circumstances regarding your relocation 3. Any relevant information not covered in the above categories

If a student is applying as a dependent and their parents remain legally married, then documentation for both parents must be submitted. By filling out a Residence Classification of Students for Tuition Purposes application the student is agreeing to submit any requested documentation in a timely manner.  Failure to upload initial documentation will result in the denial of the residency reclassification request.

If I am reclassified to resident student status, is it possible to get a refund for that semester?

Yes. The non-resident portion of the tuition and fees already paid will be refunded if a decision to reclassify the student as a resident for tuition and fees purposes is rendered. This process is handled by the Bursar and questions regarding the timeline of refunds should be directed to their office.

I am a TA/GA at Purdue, does that count for predominant purpose outside of education?

No. Work obtained due to your status as a student (i.e., being a Teaching Assistant or an internship, etc.) would not qualify as a predominant purpose outside of education.

One of my parents took a new job in Indiana. Does that exempt me from the 12-month requirement?

A dependent student may be exempt from the 12-month requirement if the job was a required transfer. Taking a new job with a new company/organization does not meet the requirements of a required job transfer and would not qualify a student to be exempt from the 12-month domicile requirement.

Should I delay registering until my residency is changed?

No. Do not wait to register for the semester in which you are seeking residency reclassification. You will pay at the rate of your current classification, if you are granted a residency change any applicable overpayment will be refunded.

I am related to a Purdue University alumnus. Am I eligible for resident reclassification without meeting
the residency requirements?

No, the alumni status of a parent or relative is not a factor in determining residence reclassification.

I/My parent(s) work at Purdue, do I automatically qualify for resident status?

No, being faculty/staff at Purdue does not automatically qualify a student for resident status. A student may apply for residency reclassification the first semester after meeting the requirements.

I lived in Indiana for years but was temporarily reassigned for my job. Am I still a resident?

If you left Indiana for reasons such as a temporary employment reassignment (normally not to exceed four years) you may maintain resident status, provided you continued to maintain your domicile in Indiana while away from the state.

When do I have to meet the requirements for establishing residency?

Requirements for establishing residency must be met prior to the first day of classes for the semester/session that you are seeking reclassification.

I am a transfer student, and I was classified as a resident at another Indiana institution. Does that mean Purdue will also classify me as a resident?

No. The University’s definition of the term Resident is different from the definitions developed by other non-University agencies. Purdue University does not recognize declarations of Resident status made by other agencies.

I married an Indiana resident, do I automatically become a Resident student?

No. Although marriage to a resident of Indiana is one of the factors considered in the determination of predominant purpose, the existence of this factor does not necessarily mean the student meets the requirements for residency.

 A student may be eligible for reclassification 12 months after the date of marriage to an Indiana resident. It is necessary to file a Residence Classification of Students for Tuition Purposes application and provide documentation to the Office of the Registrar. The student and spouse must both reside in Indiana for the duration of the 12 months.

What if my parents are divorced?

A student who is dependent, and whose parents or legal guardians are no longer married, is eligible for Resident status so long as one parent or legal guardian is a resident of the state of Indiana, as defined in the policy, and remains partially or wholly financially responsible for the dependent student.

Can I appeal a nonresident decision from the Office of the Registrar?

Yes. Students who have already completed a  Residence Classification of Students for Tuition Purposes application through the  Slate portal  and received a denial of their application from the Office of the Registrar can appeal that decision to the Residence Appeal Committee by contacting the Residency Office at  for further information on filing an appeal. 

The appeal must be filed within thirty (30) business days after the first day of classes of the academic session for which the determination is effective or within thirty (30) business days after the original decision has been rendered, whichever occurs later. Failure to file such an appeal within the specified time limit shall constitute a waiver of all claims to reconsideration for that academic session. Please note, the committee will review the original application and a written statement from the student. Additional documentation will not be accepted. The decision of the committee in all cases is final.

How am I notified of the Residence Appeal Committee’s decision?

If an appeal is filed, the student will be notified via email of the Committee’s decision. The decision of the committee in all cases is final.

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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