Event Scheduling Policies and Guidelines
NEW: If your department or organization is planning an event that will involve minors, you must contact Youth Protection at youthprotection@purdue.edu to make sure you are in compliance to hold your event. You may consider contacting Purdue Conferences to assist you with the process.
Event Scheduling adheres to the same classroom courtesies for both Events and Academic Classes. A comprehensive list of guidelines appears below.
- Do not move furniture, especially tables and chairs, outside its designated room. Placing additional seats in a classroom may impact fire code and building staff are within rights to cancel an event due to safety reasons. You may move moveable furniture within the classroom, but you are expected to return it to its original configuration.
- Do not use tools or force any furniture to move that is fixed to the floor. This may cause damage to the floor or furniture itself and you will be charged fees to repair.
- Event requests must be submitted at least one business day prior to the event for student organizations during the week. This ensures enough time to process the request and notify the Building Managers, Building Services, and Security. This helps to give all events the proper attention deserved and to help ensure there are no conflicts or time issues.
- Weekend Events: If you are requesting a room reservation for an event on the weekend, the deadline to make any requests is 2 weeks prior to your event. Requests received after this deadline will be rejected as adequate time is required to modify the special arrangements made.
- Cancellation or Modification: If you need to cancel or modify your event, we require at least a 24-hour notice for weekday events and no later than 12 noon Wednesday for weekend events.
- Music or loud noise: All music, dance, or noise can be disruptive to events in the surrounding classrooms and events are expected keep to a low volume. If you need help finding different space email classroomsched@purdue.edu . If your event is disruptive to others around you, your privileges may be placed under review, and possibly restricted or removed.
- No materials, equipment, baggage, etc., may be stored in the classrooms for future use. As the classrooms are used by a wide variety of constituencies, all materials must be removed daily. No storage of materials is available.
- Overnight room requests. Overnight events will be allowed in academic classrooms, pending adequate advance notice. Fees will be required, and at least a 2 week advance notice. However, if you or your group is disruptive and/or disturb others, you may be placed on restricted access. If you are concerned about noise, please contact us at classroomsched@purdue.edu so that we may find you a space less likely to disturb others.
- Scheduling calendar is by academic calendar. Recurring events that extend beyond the semester will be edited. Dates that fall during breaks, holidays, or finals week will be deleted from the event. It is strongly recommended that you use the Event Search to review your dates.
- All events submitted through UniTime are considered requests only. It is the responsibility of the requestor to verify that the event has been accepted and scheduled. An e-mail is generated for the creation and all changes, providing reservation information on the status of the event. It is recommended that all e-mail attachments are opened and read.
- An event can be declined if rooms are unavailable, if the time requested is beyond the building hours, or if the event is improperly requested. Please contact Academic and Classroom Scheduling at 494-5700 for assistance on declined events.
- There is no cost associated with the use of Registrar classrooms. However, the use of technical services (equipment and staffing), non-class related events, extra cleaning, damages or requests for times outside normal operating hours may result in billable charges.
**Failure to adhere to these policies could result in removal of your event scheduling privileges.
The Office of the Registrar reserves the right to adjust room assignments based on academic classroom needs.
Classroom Courtesy Guidelines
- 10-Minute Period Between Classes: Classes should be planned so that they dismiss by the end of the prescribed time period. The first five minutes after the official dismissal time should be considered a shut-down period for the class that is in session. This shut-down period allows the instructor time to turn off the document camera and overhead projector used during class and pack-up materials. The second five-minute period preceding the start of the next class should be considered preparation time for the in-coming class.
- Disputes or Room Conflicts: It is expected that disputes arising over violations of these guidelines will be resolved in a friendly and respectful manner. If an instructor has a continuing problem with another instructor who either starts using the room early or stays beyond the shut-down period, the problem should be addressed by reporting the situation to the schedule deputy who can then speak with the classroom scheduling unit of the Office of the Registrar about it should the problem not be able to be resolved between the two instructors.
- Classroom Furniture: Please do not move classroom furniture between rooms, as this adversely affects the classes or events scheduled for that other room. Placing additional furniture in a classroom may impact fire code. If you need a larger room for your class, please contact your departmental schedule deputy. If you move the furniture in the class, you are expected to return it to its original configuration before you leave.
- No materials, equipment, baggage, etc., may be stored in the classrooms for future use. As the classrooms are used by a wide variety of constituencies, all materials must be removed daily. No storage of materials is available.
- Blackboards and Whiteboards: Clean any blackboards or whiteboards if used, and turn off AV equipment. Please leave the room computer powered on, but log out of your ID and close any open windows or screens.
- Room Capacity: Attendance cannot exceed the listed seating capacity of the room(s) scheduled for safety reasons. If your event exceeds the room capacity, University staff or the Fire Marshall can shut down your event.
- Wipe the tables, chairs, and AV (mouse, keyboard, podium) clean after event/meeting if needed.
- Remove all food and drink items. Take out trash and replace trash bag.
The Office of the Registrar reserves the right to adjust room assignments based on academic classroom needs.