Guide Student Success with Degree Maps
Italicized text is taken directly from HEA 1348-2013
Give every student a standard degree map at orientation and registration.
Standard degree maps (plans of study) are provided by academic units and are pre-loaded under the "Plans" tab in myPurduePlan according to the catalog term and major requirements for all active undergraduate programs at Purdue University. These plans are widely available on websites, at recruiting events, in advising offices, and at orientation programs. -
Students can use a standard degree map to create a customized plan
Students may customize a plan of study to best stay on track for graduation. This is best done in consultation with an academic or faculty advisor.It is the responsibility of the student to ensure the University has received incoming external credits (e.g., AP, dual credit, transfer, etc.) for evaluation in a timely manner.
Reviewing and updating the student’s plan is integrated each semester into the academic advising session and the student’s registration processes.
Before meeting with their advisor, each student will update their customized plan and review their degree audit worksheet. When meeting with their advisor, each student should be prepared to review the plan. This consultation with the student’s advisor will help determine if the plan is accurate and up-to-date and if the student is on track.Suggested Registration Process – Best Practice for PWL
- Advisors or advising offices will send an email to all incoming fall 2014 students in September/October (see attached suggested email template). The email will briefly introduce myPurduePlan and detail the registration appointment process and expectations for your unit. The email will contain links to the Registrar FAQ website where tutorials on using myPurduePlan and creating plans are available. Advising offices may also contact The Registrar’s Office for assistance in making classroom and group presentations on utilizing the tool.
- Prior to their Registration appointment, students are expected to create a customized plan by updating/altering the pre-loaded standardized plan based on their catalog term. "Choice" and "Placeholders" should be identified for at least one semester beyond the current term. The email indicates that the plans are to be customized/individualized before the student meets with their advisor for registration.
- Students meet with their advisors to discuss registration and to review their (audit) worksheet and customized/individualized plan.
- Advisor discusses the worksheet and plan with student
- The plan and course selections/options for registration are either approved as is or revisions are recommended.
- Advisor documents the approved/recommended coursework based on the University’s protocol which is to utilize the "Notes" tab in myPurduePlan. Some colleges may have additional practices which include hard copy folder notes and/or Form 23A).
- Students are reminded to make updates to their customized/individualized plan as needed.
- Students register for agreed upon courses during their designated time ticket and update plan(s) if necessary.
- A follow up email (see attached suggested email template) is sent to first-time/full-time students admitted fall 2014 following the last day to drop courses. The email will remind students to update their customized/individualized plan, if needed, to match their current registration and run an audit as a check for accuracy. If the audit is not successful, students should review and correct their plan. Students may meet with their advisor for assistance, if needed.
Suggested Student Email regarding Registration/Plans
Subject Line: Spring 2015 Course Registration Information (high priority)
Dear Student,
Registration for Spring 2015 will begin on (specific college date listed here). Please carefully read and follow the directions below in preparation for your registration appointment.
- Make an appointment to meet with your academic advisor (specific college procedures listed here).
- Review your worksheet located in the Worksheet tab of your myPurduePlan and update your standardized plan of study located in the Plans tab of your myPurduePlan prior to meeting with your advisor.
- Purdue has provided all new incoming students with a plan of study designed to provide them "with a clear and direct path to on-time completion." Students are required to customize/individualize their standard plan of study specifically identifying how and when they will complete course requirements. Plans are to be customized/individualized before you meet with your advisor – failure to have a customized/individualized plan may cause a delay in your registration.
- Detailed information on how to use myPurduePlan including how to customize/individualize your plan can be found here:
- If your provided plan no longer aligns with your academic goals and you wish to change your current major, please attend a CODO meeting or meet with an advisor in your desired major to determine the recommended plan of study for your new academic goal. Upload the standard plan template for your new major and customize the plan as described above.
- You may create and save multiple plans, but only one plan can be listed as "active." Information regarding selecting plan templates can be found here:
- Discuss your worksheet and plan(s) with your advisor and determine spring course selections/options during your registration appointment.
- Your advisor will approve your plan and course selections/options or make recommendations for updates.
- Register for the classes you and your advisor have agreed upon during your registration time ticket. Your registration time ticket is located in myPurdue >>Academic Tab>> Registration Tools.
- Confirm that the courses you registered for match the courses listed on your myPurduePlan. If the courses do not match, update your myPurduePlan to match your registered courses.
Suggested Student FOLLOW UP Email Template
Subject Line: Spring 2015 Course Registration FOLLOW UP (high priority)
Dear Student,
As a reminder, once you have entered your spring 2015 course schedule during your registration Time Ticket you will need to update/customize your Plan of Study located in the Plans tab of your myPurduePlan. Your customized plan should match your current registration; once they do, you will run an audit as a check for accuracy. If the audit is not successful, you should review and correct the plan. If you need assistance, you may see your advisor or use these resources:
- Detailed information on how to customize/individualize your plan can be found here: - If your provided plan no longer aligns with your academic goals and you wish to change your current major, please attend a CODO meeting or meet with an advisor in your desired major to determine the recommended plan of study for your new academic goal. Upload the standard plan template for your new major and customize the plan as above.
- You may create and save multiple plans, but only one plan can be listed as "active." Information regarding selecting plan templates can be found here:
- Plans are to be used to provide targeted advising for students.
A student may go off their plan for reasons including but not limited to: failure of a critical course, transfer, change of major, academic probation, or failure to achieve Standard Academic Progress for Financial Aid. It is the student’s responsibility to update their plan in consultation with their faculty or academic advisor.
Guaranteeing course availability so students can finish on time.
HEA 1348-2013 contains the following provision:"If a required course is not available for a student (whether it is full, offered only at the same time as another mapped class or is simply not offered), the student shall be provided a new customized degree map with appropriate academic alternatives, or the course shall be offered free of charge to the student in the next available semester. This applies to all new first-time, full-time associate and bachelor degree seeking students enrolling in the fall semester of 2014 or later. The guarantee applies to students that have complied with their degree maps."
To determine if a student is entitled to the "free course guarantee," the University shall verify the following:
- The student has followed his or her degree map in each prior semester, meaning the student completed the prescribed courses or satisfied the prescribed electives in the semester they were mapped.
- The student is unable to register for a course mapped for the current semester because it is not offered, offered only at the same time as another mapped course, or is full.
- Note: The course is considered full only if all sections of the course are full, not just the student’s preferred time slot or modality. If an online version is available to the student, the course is considered available to that student, even if he or she prefers a different modality.
- Students are responsible for addressing all holds that could delay their registration and ensuring prerequisite course information has been fulfilled prior to the end of their Initial Time Ticket.
- There is no other course substitution available for the required course.
- For University Core Curriculum requirements with multiple options that meet degree requirements, all sections of eligible options must be full, not just the student’s preferred choice.
- The student attempted to register for the course during their classification time ticket.
- Note: Students who register during the open time ticket registration period are considered late registrants and are excluded from the free course guarantee.
- A revised degree map that incorporates the unavailable course in a future semester cannot be developed in consultation with the advisor without altering the graduation date.
- The student is within 150 percent of the standard time to complete the degree.