CURE Resources

External Resources

Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) - CUR provides support and professional development opportunities for faculty, staff, administrators, and students for establishing, nurturing, and institutionalizing undergraduate research programs.

CUREnet - CUREnet was established in 2012 to support networking among faculty developing, teaching, and assessing CUREs, to share CURE projects and resources, and to develop new tools and strategies for CURE instruction and assessment.

FLAMENet - Focuses on cultivating the next generation of resilient, risk-taking STEM innovators.

Squirrel-Net - Inquiry-based lesson plans take students out of the classroom and engage them in research on locally relevant and widely distributed mammals. In the process, students collect data with standardized protocols and submit their data to a national database. Students can test their own hypotheses with data they collected, as well as the combined, larger dataset. Preliminary assessments suggest that being part of a larger, nation-wide project provides a sense of community and accountability among the students. You can join our network and have your students add to our growing database here!

External Research/Resources on UREs/CUREs, by Discipline

CUREs are inclusive research experiences: Inclusive practices