Non-OUR Grants

Travel/Conference Grants

There are many funding sources for undergraduate researchers who want to present their work at conferences. Below are travel grants to review to determine if you can apply for funding from these sources.

An important point: Most funding sources do not allow you to receive reimbursement for the same thing from two different funds (="double dipping") since funds are limited and need to stretch to as many students as possible. The OUR is in this category of thinking. Therefore, if you receive funding from multiple sources, you should be clear in your report to them for reimbursement what fund paid what to ensure double dipping does not occur accidentally.

Know of other travel grant opportunities for students to use to present at conferences? Email us at

Experiential Education Scholarship

The Office of Experiential Education has financial support available for students participating in experiential education opportunities. Funds can be used for educational expenses incurred while participating in experiential education. All funds will be applied through the Financial Aid system.

To qualify, applications must be submitted appropriate due date as listed below:

  • For summer funds, applications are due by February 22
  • For fall funds, applications are due by May 15
  • For winter and/or spring funds, applications are due by November 1

Undergraduate Award for Humanities and STEM Research

The Undergraduate Award for research and/or scholarship connecting humanities with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is given annually to a Purdue undergraduate student on the West Lafayette campus who best exemplifies the synergistic potential of humanities and STEM in a single research project. This award is open to all Purdue West Lafayette undergraduates, including international and part-time students. The 2024 Award winner will receive $2,000.

Submit information through the College of Agriculture website here:

Research Grants/Awards

There are some funding sources for undergraduate researchers who want to complete research projects. Below are research grants to review to determine if you can apply for funding.

Know of other research grants for students to use to conduct their work? Email us at