
Button to access OURConnect platform.
OURConnect, Purdue's undergraduate research portal, is designed to support undergraduate research endeavors for students, mentors, and program administrators through recruitment, presentations, and reporting.


Guides on how to utilize OURConnect functions based on your role.

Recruiting Presenting Reporting
Students Apply to Positions Guide Submit Abstracts Submit Learning Contracts
Mentors Post Positions & Review Applications Guide Approve Event Abstract Guide Track Projects & Mentees Guide
Program Admins Host Program Recruitment Guide Submit Event Requests Guide Track Projects & Participants Guide
Button to access the PDF of status terms in OURConnect.

 Recruitment Considerations

OURConnect connects students with mentors with opportunities through programs and individual research opportunities outside of programs.

Students should read through expectations and program qualifications before applying. Students should use the "Get Started" and "Search Opportunities" pages to help begin. Applicants can apply to multiple research opportunities but may only be selected for one per term.

  1. Not all research opportunities are posted. Research mentors may not post all positions but will consider interested students for their projects if asked.
  2. If you need assistance getting started in undergraduate research and feel overwhelmed or unsure where to begin, please email UGResearch@purdue.edu.

 Conference Management

OURConnect provides conference management for individuals to submit abstracts for the next Purdue-wide undergraduate research conference and for mentors to update and approve the presentability of the project. Updates can be made directly to the proposal.

 Learning Contracts

OURConnect allows mentors and mentees to complete and update undergraduate research learning contracts after accepting a position. This serves as a repository where all individuals can access the expectations established at the beginning of the experience.


If you have questions or technical issues about OURConnect, email ourconnect@purdue.edu.

  • OURConnect