Celebrate FAQs

How do I apply to present?

The application process is completed online via OURConnect. Be sure to check the how-to guides. If you have problems, please email us UGResearch@purdue.edu.

Is Celebrate part of the Spring Undergraduate Research Conference?

Yes, starting in 2025, Celebrate is part of the Spring Undergraduate Research Conference happening concurrently as the research talks. Therefore, presenters can choose between delivering a poster, research talk, virtual presentation, or Celebrate entry.

Can I still apply if I am still in the early stages of my research?

Yes. Your project does not have to be completed to be considered. Many students present ongoing projects. Students can submit to present knowing that by the time of Celebrate they will have a more robust product.

Can I submit applications for more than one project?

Students can only be the primary presenter (first author) for one proposal across the Spring Undergraduate Research Conference posters, research talks, and Celebrate entries. Individuals can be included in multiple submissions, but can only be the primary presenter for one.

What format should I submit for my project?

The limits of your imagination. If you have a project that involves an open space, music, large areas, etc., we will try our best to accommodate it. In the past, we have had airplanes, robots, vehicles, and light shows with sensors. However, you cannot bring oil or other flammable materials into the space. Student presenters' solution has been to remove engines or to clean them out before bringing them.

What space is allocated to me?

Each submission will receive a 6' table. If additional space is needed, this should be noted in the follow-up survey. You would also include if electricity is needed or if special accommodations are needed.

Can I bring a poster?

You may bring a poster if it is to supplement what you will be displaying, showing, or engaging with during the event. This is not a poster symposium. If you do bring a poster, there will NOT be poster boards to place your poster up, so you should mount your poster on a foam-core board. Limited easels will be available and should be noted in your application if needed.