Judging Information

The success of an undergraduate research conference is due in large part to the many judges who provide feedback to the student presenters throughout the conference. In addition to student feedback, the scores are used to disperse several presentation awards.
Judge Interest Application Link
To identify your interest and availability, please use one of the following forms:
- Faculty, staff, post-docs, Purdue retirees, and graduate students with active BoilerKey access should use this Purdue Judge Form.
- Anyone else (alums, parents, friends, industry professionals, community, etc.) without BoilerKey access should use this Community Judge Form to judge in-person posters or talks. (Due to the sensitive nature of the research data presentations, people without BoilerKey access will not be able to view/judge the virtual presentations.)
- Undergraduate students who wish to provide peer feedback do not need to register in advance. Directions for undergraduate students are available at the student check-in table at the events.
You may select more than one way to judge. For the poster symposia, you will indicate which session(s) you can judge. For the research talks, we will use the availability you include to create a schedule and send that to you. Virtual presentations will be assigned closer to the event.
We anticipate many more in-person presentations than virtual presentations. Judges' feedback will be used to make the final decision on which poster presenters receive awards.
Judging Incentive
Any judge who submits 6+ formal judging feedback forms through the Qualtrics system will receive a $20 gift card if they meet these requirements:
- Judges must be affiliated with Purdue as an employee (undergraduates excluded) or official retiree.
- Judges must complete the official registration form on this website and be assigned to qualify.
- Formal feedback forms that indicate a "no-show" do not count towards the 6+ forms needed.
Research talk and virtual presentation judges are pre-selected and assigned ahead of time. We require many more poster judges.
Electronic gift cards will be sent to judges meeting these requirements 4-6 weeks after the event to allow for processing.
Logistics for Different Types of Presentations
In-person Poster Symposium - November 19 in PMU Ballrooms
Judges will be assigned posters as they check-in to the poster symposium on November 19. This process will ensure all posters are evaluated equitably for feedback to the presenters and for the colleges for making award decisions. The goal of the poster symposium is for student presenters to consider a generally educated audience, which allows for this general judging process. Judges are encouraged to bring a handheld device (tablet or phone) to use.
In-person Research Talks - November 20 in STEW 214
Judges will be assigned research talk sessions prior to the event based on their availability and the timing of the presentation sessions. The goal of the research talks is for student presenters to consider a generally educated audience, which allows for this general judging process. The evaluations will use Qualtrics to tabulate scores and feedback. This link will be provided prior to the poster symposium. Judges are encouraged to bring a laptop or tablet to use that day.
Virtual Conference
Judges will be able to evaluate posters online from Nov. 19-22. Judges will be assigned presentations to evaluate prior to the virtual conference and will complete a Qualtrics judging form for each presentation. Students have 7 minutes for their presentations. You would not be expected to attend a session or watch a live session for the virtual conference presentations.
Judging Rubrics
Posters | Research Talks | Virtual Presentations
Notification of Judging
Judges will receive a notification with procedures and times as the event gets closer.
For questions before an in-person event, please contact UGResearch@purdue.edu.
For questions on the day of an in-person event, please stop by the registration table during the event.