Purdue Undergrad Research Pitch Competition

March 27, 2025 | 7-9pm

Grissom Hall, Room 103

Livestream Link


  • Aurelia Chelfannisa, “Is Water a New Biomarker for Fracture Risk?” - Biomedical Engineering
  • Emily Doris Gervais, “Medical Minds, Literary Voices: The Intersection of Healing and Storytelling in Russian Literature” - International Relations
  • Natalie Horgan, “The Aggregation Tendencies of the Signal Peptide Regions of Prone and Not Prone to Aggregate Proteins” - PharmD
  • Meha Kavoori, “Measuring Depression in Military Youth: A Psychometric Assessment of the PHQ-8” - Biomedical Health Sciences
  • Hannah Kmetz, “Conservation in Northwest Indiana: Understanding the Ecosystems” - Natural Resources and Environmental Science
  • Christian Scott, “Effect of Carbon Precursors on the Quality of 2D MXenes” - Mechanical Engineering
  • Shruthika Sundar, “EEG Brain Signal Analysis for Active Authentication in Immersive Virtual Worlds” - Biomedical engineering
  • Kaia Webb, “Computer Vision for Lateral Flow Assay Assembly” - Biomedical Engineering
  • Claire Wolfer-Jenkins, “Generating a Novel Metabolic Model of Xenopus laevis to Identify Metabolic Signatures Associated with Toxic PFAS Exposure” - Neurobiology & Physiology

Campus Partners

  • TEDxPurdue will host a mini "workshop" during judge deliberation to discuss effective research communication (and possibly provide popcorn!).
  • The Journal of Purdue Undergraduate Research (JPUR) will hand out copies of the journal and discuss how students can publish their work.


What giant leaps are undergraduate researchers completing at Purdue? The Undergraduate Research Pitch Competition highlights undergraduate researchers' projects while promoting concise and effective storytelling during this event celebrating undergraduate research.

What is a "research pitch"?

A research pitch is a (very) short story describing your research project in a way that describes your work to an audience, usually a general audience. A research pitch is similar to an "elevator pitch," but focuses on your research project and experience instead of yourself to employers or graduate programs.

Who can enter?

The pitch competition is open to any currently enrolled Purdue University undergraduate, at the West Lafayette or Indianapolis locations, involved in a research or creative endeavor in any major and discipline. Your work can be an independent project or one working with a research mentor.

How do I enter?

  • Submit a brief (250-300-word) project summary and a draft of the visual component that would be used during the presentation.
    • Project summaries can be an abstract or an artist's statement. If you are unsure how to summarize your work, please contact the OUR.
    • The visual component draft helps provide additional context to the review panel and will provide an opportunity for feedback on how to improve the final live presentation.
  • The project summary and visual draft should be submitted as a PDF or image via this Qualtrics form.

How am I selected?

  • A panel of judges will evaluate your submission and will determine the final live presenters.
  • The top submissions will be announced by March 14, 2025.

Live Undergraduate Research Pitch Competition

  • Presenters must present in person and audience members may be present in person or watch the livestream.
  • Participants are allowed one static PowerPoint slide during their talk.
  • A panel of judges will evaluate the three-minute pitches using the following categories.
  • The top presenters and an audience favorite will be announced at the end of the event.


  • $300 for 1st, $200 for 2nd, $100 for 3rd
  • $100 for the Audience Favorite
    • Audience favorite is determined through a survey by those at the in-person event.
    • Awards will be distributed to the student's account through the Division of Financial Aid.
  • Top presenters will receive donated prizes from the following sponsor:
    • Vienna Espresso Bar & Bakery


Past Events

2024 Research Pitch Program | Photos

2023 Research Pitch Program | Photos

2022 Research Pitch Program | Photos

2021 Research Pitch Program | Photos

2020 Research Pitch Program

Flier for research pitch competition. Everything on flier is on the page. 8.5"x11" flier. Right-click and save to distribute.