About Purdue's Office of Undergraduate Research
The Purdue Office of Undergraduate Research's (OUR) mission is to serve as a central resource to promote and expand experiential learning for undergraduate students through research experiences with skilled research mentors.
The OUR works with everyone connected with undergraduate research, from prospective and actively engaged undergraduate researchers to research mentors (faculty, staff, graduate students, and post-docs), program administrators, and university administrators.
The OUR coordinates efforts across campus, provides centralized support, and maintains an information portal to connect all stakeholders with undergraduate research experience (URE) activities. The OUR conducts formal and informal training, which helps students to develop skills that enhance their research experience, deepen their understanding of disciplinary material, and increase their value to graduate programs and future employers. The use of evidence-based best practices, such as learning contracts and mentoring strategies, maximizes the potential for positive experiences for both students and mentors.
Contact Us
Hicks Undergraduate Library | Suite G937
504 Mitch Daniels Blvd.
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Student Appointments: Virtual through BoilerConnect.
Email: UGresearch@purdue.edu
Phone: (765) 494-6503