Curriculum Resources and Reports

The Office of the Registrar provides essential resources and guidelines for faculty and staff involved in the creation of new curricula, revision of existing curricula and suspension of existing curricula. Faculty members can access information to ensure smooth and timely course creation/revision.

Curriculog Help and Additional Questions:

Active Curriculum Reports

Undergraduate (Purdue West Lafayette, Polytech Statewide Locations & Purdue Indianapolis)

Graduate (Purdue West Lafayette & Purdue Indianapolis)



Key terms used in academic proposals — including credit minimums or maximums for curricula — can be found in the Data Cookbook. Use the search bar or go to the Academic Proposals Collection.

Curriculum Cycles

Graduate Curriculum Cycle & Deadlines 
Undergraduate Curriculum Cycle & Deadlines

Undergraduate Plans of Study

Undergraduate Plan of Study Review for the Academic Catalog

The 2025-2026 catalog update process (next review period) will continue to utilize the "opt-in model" for changes.

Based on feedback from the 2024-2025 update cycle, the Catalog Team will enter all requested plan of study edits. Units will opt-in for changes to be made to plans of study via a Qualtrics Survey by February 1. After the Qualtrics is completed, a PDF copy of your requested plans of study (including supplemental lists) will be provided.

PDF copies should be marked up (digitally or manually) and sent to by March 1. Registrar Staff will import your requested plans of study, make the submitted changes, and launch the proposal in the workflow for your unit to review and approve. Catalog staff will have virtual office hours available each week throughout the catalog update process beginning in November to answer any questions you may have.

Please note, new courses or changes to existing courses that are or will be required on a plan of study should be completed by February 1 and must be completed by March 1.

  • Opt-in Qualtrics Survey available for colleges: September 1 - February 1.
  • Office hours will begin on October 10th - Contact for the link.
  • All revisions for undergraduate plans of study, including supplemental lists, must be sent to by March 1. (Catalog team will make all updates in the Curriculog system.)
  • Units review and approve plan of study proposal in Curriculog: by April 1.
  • Catalog publish: June 1.


Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

2015 Purdue University | An equal access/equal opportunity university | Copyright Complaints | Maintained by Office of Registrar

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