Agreement on Deliverables for Credit - Graduate Research Credits

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Each term, faculty teaching research are required to communicate the course requirements needed to satisfy the research objective of the course. The new Agreement on Deliverables for Credit functionality will provide a mechanism for tracking this communication.

For each term, there is a new supplemental data engine field that has been added to SOATERM in Banner that will need to be turned on and off when it is time to capture this information from the faculty. The functionality works similar to the current Initial Course Participation functionality. It will be the responsibility of the Office of the Registrar to turn this on each term based on the schedule chosen by Grad School.

This functionality applies to all faculty that will be teaching any course that has a course number of TECH 64000, 59800, 59900, 69800 and 69900. The capability exists to add additional courses by subject and/or course number. Any additions to this list must be requested by sending an email to the Student Systems Competency Center at

Below are the procedures for opening the functionality and for faculty to record their agreement on deliverables.

Opening Agreement on Deliverables for Credit - Registrar

  1. In the Banner page SOATERM, go to the Part of Term and Web Registration Controls tab.
  2. Highlight the specific part of term you want to open.
  3. Click on the More Information button at the top right of the page.
  4. Enter the value of “Y” to turn on the Agreement on Deliverables for Credit functionality for the chosen part of term.

These steps make the functionality active for all faculty teaching research credit courses with course numbers of 59800, 59900, 69800 and 69900.

Faculty Processing of Agreement on Deliverables for Credit - Faculty

Once the time has come to start capturing the agreement that faculty have communicated the course requirements to students, they will log in to myPurdue and complete the agreement for all of the students in their research courses. The deadline for submission is the end of the second week of classes each term.

  1. Log in to
  2. The functionality can be accessed via a link called Agreement on Deliverables for Credit in the Tools channel on the Faculty tab.
  3. When you go to the Agreement on Deliverables for Credit page, you will be asked to select the term. Once you select a term, click on Submit.
  4. The page will direct to a list of research courses being taught with the enrollment found in each. Click on the CRN to submit your agreement of deliverables for credit.
  5. Click the checkbox next to each student that you have communicated the course requirements to and then click Submit.
  6. Once you submit you will receive a success message and the term “In Compliance” will appear.
  7. Repeat this process for all of your research courses.

Reporting Component

A UC4 job will produce a nightly report that shows the following details:

  • College
  • CRN
  • Subject
  • Course number
  • Number of students enrolled
  • Number of students acknowledged
  • Number of students not acknowledged
  • Instructors of the section

This report will be produced and stored in Banner ePrint. To get to the report, follow the steps below.

  • In myPurdue on the Banner tab, there is a link called e~Print. Click on this link and it will open the ePrint repository.
  • Click on Enter to go to the available reports.
  • Search for the report named SZRGRCR using the drop down list at the bottom of the page.
  • Click on the Text icon to open the file in Notepad. Note: If you open the file, the data will not look nice in this format. In Firefox, the prompt gives you the option to Save File, so you can do that in order to skip to the next step rather than opening the file.
  • Do a Save As and save the text file to a directory of your choice.
  • Open Microsoft Excel and create a new workbook.
  • In the new Excel file, click on the Data tab and then select From Text.
  • In the search window, find the saved text file and select it and then click Import.
  • A Text Import Wizard dialog box will appear. Make sure the Fixed Width radio button is selected and then click Next.
  • Align the arrows in the Data Preview box so that they start at the beginning left of each column header. Then click Next.
  • Optionally, in the next window you can set all of the columns to text values. This is particularly helpful when there are PUID’s in a file as it will retain the leading zero. This report doesn’t have anything that needs a leading zero so you wouldn’t have to take this step. If you highlight all of the columns at once, then click on the Text radio button and then click Finish.
  • On the final window, click OK to open the data in the Excel sheet.


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