Initial Course Participation Reporting


Are all instructors required to participate in initial course participation reporting?


What constitutes initial course participation?

If a student has attended at least one class OR submitted one academic-related activity (quiz, homework, sign-in sheet, etc.), they are considered to have commenced participation. Only those students who have never attended at least one class or have never submitted an academic-related activity should be reported as NEVER ATTENDED on initial course participation reporting.

Is there a deadline for initial course participation reporting?

Reporting should be done no later than the fourth class meeting. Moving forward the initial course participation reporting function will remain "open" from the first week of semester until the end of the semester.

How often are we required to record initial course participation in myPurdue?

Once at the beginning of each gradable course (i.e., those courses that have final grades).

What happens if an instructor does not report initial course participation?

By not recording initial course participation, the instructor could affect the student's financial aid eligibility and result in billing and collection problems for the student and Purdue University.

What if I report a student as NEVER ATTENDED in initial course participation reporting and the student starts showing up to class?

Contact the Division of Financial Aid, for specific guidance in these situations.

Is reporting required for every lecture and lab meeting?

No, initial course participation should be reported for only gradable sections of a course. Recitations and labs that are paired with a gradable course do not require initial course participation reporting, but note that academic-related activity within a recitation or lab can be considered initial course participation for the course.

How do we confirm initial course participation for a large class?

Suggestions are to use clickers, sign-in sheets, tests or quizzes, projects, or some other type of work that is due. Note that Blackboard also can collect course participation information electronically.

If I have a student who is off campus but attends every class through online methods, would that count?

Yes, the student would receive a report of ATTEND.

It is for both undergraduate and graduate students.
Does this apply to undergraduate courses only, or to graduate courses as well?


Does this include research and independent study courses?

Yes, any course in which a grade report is expected at the end of the term is required to report. The following are considered grades: A+ through F, S, U, I, or P.

If a student quits attending halfway through the term, should instructors change the initial course participation information?

No, but the instructors should record a grade of "FN", Failing/Non-authorized Incomplete, and record the last date of the student's academic-related activity as directed during final grading.

Are Purdue instructors required to take attendance on a regular basis?

No, initial course participation record keeping and reporting are only required at the beginning of the course.

Can this reporting be done automatically using BrightSpace? 

Yes. If you use BrightSpace to teach, ICP is handled automatically for you.

Will instructors need to mark all students to indicate they are attending or not attending?

No, the default is set to attending so instructors will only need to uncheck those not attending and submit.

Since the default is set to yes, can instructors simply do nothing?

No, while the default is set to yes, instructors still must press the submit button to be in compliance.

Can students view how instructors report initial course participation?

Yes, students will have a view of their classes for the term and how each instructor reported on them.


If you have enrollment or myPurdue questions that are not addressed here, please direct them to the Office of the Registrar at

If you have financial aid questions that are not addressed here, please direct them to the Division of Financial Aid at

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