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Personal Training

RecWell believes in the power of getting stronger together. RecWell's holistic approach to Personal Training will help clients find success in a way that fits their unique goals, schedule and budget. Trainers create and lead a progressive program designed specifically for their clients.

Fitness Goals Start Here

Interested in Personal Training or InBody assessment?  Purchase here at the member portal.

Questions regarding Personal Training Services?  Fill out this form.

For any comments, questions or concerns please contact Rian Knapp, Assistant Director of Fitness Programs, at

Fitness Services

InBody Scan (Body Composition)

A scale can be a useful tool, but it doesn't paint the whole picture. This 30-minute assessment (2 pack option available) with a trainer includes an InBody test to estimate body fat percentage, skeletal muscle mass and total body water. Participants receive trackable data to inform future fitness goals. 


Personal Training (Individual)

Workout one-on-one with a Personal Trainer for motivation, guidance and instruction while exercising. 


Personal Training (Buddy)

Train with a partner and exercise with a peer, colleague, or friend. 


Monthly Program Design
This enhanced offering includes 2, one-on-one coaching sessions with a personal trainer as well as a monthly program design tailored to fit your personal fitness goals and needs. You can expect an initial one-on-one consultation to discuss your goals, your trainer will then create a customized program built for you, followed by a final one on one session to ensure you can safely and effectively perform the exercises.
Fitness Program Options
Click here to find out about our small group programming options such as Learn To Lift and Women on Weights offered throughout the year. 

Personal Training Prices

Service Cost
InBody Composition $15
InBody Composition - 2 Pack $24
5 Individual Sessions $170
10 Individual Sessions $330
20 Individual Sessions $620
10 Buddy Sessions $200/person
20 Buddy Sessions $360/person
Monthly Program Design $100