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Nutrition Coaching

Nutrition Coaching is here to answer your food and nutrition questions. Work alongside a coach to build body positive nutrition goals, make choices that fit your personal needs, and dispel nutrition rumors with facts and science. With your coach, you can make a plan unique to you while incorporating your priorities. Being well-nourished helps you take on all life has to offer. Begin your coaching journey today!

Scheduling a Session

Get connected with a Nutrition Coach by following the steps below to successfully schedule a session. 

  1. Complete the Nutrition Coaching Form
  2. Schedule an appointment through BoilerConnect:
    • Log into BoilerConnect
    • Click "Make an Appointment" in the top right
    • Select "Student Life and Wellness" in appointment type
    • Select "Nutrition Coach" in location
    • Select "New Client" in reason/student service

A no-show fee of $10 will be applied toward any appointment that is missed. You can cancel your appointment by email your Nutrition Coach. 

*Disclaimer: Nutrition Coaching services are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of physical or mental conditions. Nutrition Coaches do not serve as professional health providers. Our services are only intended to supplement your general nutrition knowledge. Always seek the advice of a registered dietitian or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Last modified: February 8, 2022