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RecWell coordinates lost and found items at the CoRec. Found items may be turned in to any RecWell staff member. All items are held at Member Services for 7 days and then taken to the Central Lost and Found office. Items such as personal towels, body soap, hair shampoo, and hygiene products are immediately discarded. Unclaimed water bottles are discarded after 72 hours.
When possible, RecWell staff will contact individuals who lose IDs at the facility; IDs will be retained at Member Services. After one month unclaimed IDs will be shredded.
To claim any item, please be prepared to describe the item in detail and provide identification. Please contact Central Lost & Found at 765-494-2125 for all other Lost & Found inquiries.
RecWell does not directly investigate for lost, or stolen items and goods. Members that believe their items have been stolen will need to complete a police report with the Purdue University Police Department at (765) 494-8221. RecWell does not interfere with the investigation process unless contacted to do so by the Purdue Police Department.
Last modified: March 6, 2025