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Wellness on Wheels

The Wellness Suite is thrilled to be able to take our services on the road, to any location on campus, with our  Wellness on Wheels (WOW) initiative. Use the below form to request a Wellness staff member to host an event that can focus on team building, relaxation, education, and more.

Request a Wellness on Wheels event.

Check our brief FAQs below to learn more.

Wellness on Wheels Offerings

See the descriptions below, outlining the project and which Dimension of Wellness it specifically addresses.

Smash Bash

Emotional Wellness

Learn how to manage stress amidst the fast-paced college environment. In this immersive experience, you will get to practice different coping skills including some unconventional ways such as sound, breathwork and smashing objects against a wall with our smash wall. 

Tea/Coffee & Canvas

Social & Emotional Wellness

This option is the most laid-back option on the list—lots of opportunity for your group to socialize and enjoy time together.

Designed to give participants an introduction to different types of meditations, this event will let attendees experience sound meditation and play with sound bowls, practice progressive muscle relaxation, and enjoy guided imagery meditation.

Mindfulness on the Go

Have a free space you want to make into a relaxing area for students? Rent our mindfulness supplies and turnn any space into an area for meditation, reflection, and rest. This is great during mid-terms or finals week as a way to offer students a space to take time for themselves. Supplies include:

  • Five meditation bolsters
  • Five yoga mats
  • A sound machine
  • A light therapy box


Wellness on Wheels FAQs

How soon should I put in my request?

Our area typically needs 3 weeks to prep for these programs during the traditional academic year.

What is the cost?

Each of these options, with the exception of the Mindfulness on the Go, are $65 for an hour long event.

Mindfulness on the Go costs $10/day to rent the supplies. 

What am I responsible for?

We bring the supplies and staff. You secure the space needed for the event and bring the participants.

Last modified: October 4, 2024