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April Employee of the Month

April 2021 

Name: Kaelyn Bannister
Major: Chemical Engineering
Position: Wellness Assistant
Favorite part of working at RecWell: How much it feels like a family! I have never walked in and not been greeted warmly and I genuinely enjoy coming in each day because of it. 
Feeling on being Employee of the Month: I'm surprised but so excited! I have not worked in Wellness for a super long time so I definitely was not expecting it, but I'm so happy to receive it. 


March 2021: Jake Miller

March 2021 

Name: Jake Miller
Major: Industrial Engineering
Position: Intramural Sports Head Supervisor
Favorite part of working at RecWell: By far the best part about working at RecWell is the people I work with and the culture they help create. Countless individuals have invested in my development and have had a profound positive impact on me throughout my time here. They’re the main reason I look forward to every shift and they’re what I’ll miss most after I graduate.
Feeling on being Employee of the Month: RecWell is full of fantastic and deserving student employees so it’s a huge honor to be selected.
February 2021: Cooper Dort

February 2021 

Name: Cooper Dort
Major: Mechanical Engineering Technology & Pre-Medicine
Position: Head Lifeguard 
Favorite part of working at RecWell: I have learned a lot of valuable work practices that I will be able to apply to future jobs and have met a lot of great people while doing so!
Feeling on being Employee of the Month: I feel like my hard work has paid off and I am honored to represent Aquatics and RecWell. 
January 2021: Korbin Zvokel

January 2021 

Name: Korbin Zvokel
Major: Film & Video Production
Position: Videographer, IM Head Supervisor & Operations Manager
Favorite part of working at RecWell: The relationships I've made that will last a lifetime.  
Feeling on being Employee of the Month: I am extremely grateful and thankful for the recognition. Thank you Carley for the nomination!
December 2020: Luke Lampkins

December 2020 

Name: Luke Lampkins
Major: Physics and Film Production
Position: Videographer
Favorite part of working at RecWell: Being able to work hands-on with everything happening nowadays. 
Feeling on being Employee of the Month: Surprised and Honored
November 2020: Mine Nacke

November 2020

Name: Mine Nacke
Major: Creative and Professional Writing
Position: Media Writer, Intramural Sports Head Supervisor, Member Services Crew Chief
Favorite part of working at RecWell: The friendships and familial atmosphere.
Feeling on being Employee of the Month: I feel honored, proud, and happy that others thought of me as someone deserving of Employee of the Month. 
October 2020: Conner Porter

October 2020

Name: Conner Porter
Major: Marketing
Position: Social Media Coordinator
Favorite part of working at RecWell: The people I have been able to work with - I truly believe they are some of the kindest and hardest working people I have met on campus! 
Feeling on being Employee of the Month: I am incredibly honored and humbled. It's always a team effort, and I wouldn't be here without my supervisor, Carley, and my fellow Social Media Coordinator, Claudia. 
September 2020: Jessica Mars

September 2020

Name: Jessica Mars
Major: Agricultural Education
Position: Lead Crew Chief
Favorite part of working at RecWell: The people! Getting to know my coworkers better has been the highlight of my time at RecWell. I've made friends, gained mentors, and built relationships that I'll be able to keep long after I graduate. 
Feeling on being Employee of the Month: I am so thankful to have been selected for Employee of the Month, it means so much that my supervisors chose to nominate me to represent Member Services. This recognition makes all of the long hours put in during quarantine and the uncertainty of the start of the school year worth it. 
2020 Employee of the Summer: Adam Whitcraft

Summer 2020

Name: Adam Whitcraft
Major: Computer and Information Technology
Position: Lead Operations Manager
Favorite part of working at RecWell: The people I have met during my time here. I have met some of my best friends here and many other people who have had a positive impact on my life.
Feeling on being Employee of the Month: I’m grateful that I get to work with the great people on the Operations Team and proud of all the work that has been done to reopen RecWell.